Thursday, September 18, 2014

Part 2 Battle Tendancy

So I realized I forgot to attach a link to where to watch this anime as well as any other anime so here you go:

It's a link to the first episode!

CrunchyRoll is like the Netflix of anime. It has a huge library of anime of all kinds and even a couple of live action foreign dramas. The best part is it is free and updates regularly. Though premium members get direct release access of episodes and other bonuses like being able to stream on video games consoles. They also have a store with a neat merchandise from the shows you like. So there you go access to anime!

Not an anime fan? Want the original work? Most series before they were an anime start out as a manga(those comics I talked about in the last post) I'm sure you've heard the phrase the book is better than the movie and while that usually is the case I can honestly say I like the anime more than the manga. However the anime is not anywhere near caught up to the manga so I've gone ahead and read it all. I love JoJo so its all great to me. To those of you interested in reading the manga it can be found here: is a neat little site that has a vast library of translated manga scans so you can read comics and be caught up with them as they're released around the world. A great time waster when you're bored with facebook and youtube!

Part 2 of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is called "Battle Tendancy." It starts off in 1939 New York and follows the adventures of a new JoJo, and my personal favorite, Joseph Joestar. Joseph is the grandson of the first parts Protagonist Jonathan. Like his Grandfather he has the ability to fight with Ripple but is no where near as trained as him. In fact aside from name their is hardly any similarities between the two. Joseph is no noble gentleman like his grandfather. He's an arrogant womanizing punk though a cunning at that. Shortly after moving from Britain to the States he finds himself rapped up in a fate similar to his grandfathers. He must master ripple and defeat vampires. As well as a new foe, ancient Aztec warriors known only as the Pillar men for they were found encased in pillars. They're really just vampires that feed off vampires and are crazy strong, but like vampires can be defeated by the sunlight. JoJo must fight alongside bizarre allies to defeat this menace. From lady Italian bubble blowers to even Nazis he must align with whoever it takes to defeat these monsters before they destroy the world.

My favorite part in the series I really recommend you give it a read!

Joseph Joestar Part 2's protagonist
Me cosplaying as Joseph Joestar at an Anime Convention

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Part 1 Phantom Blood

"Phantom Blood" the first part of JJBA tells the tale of Jonathan Joestar (right) and his intertwining fate with Dio (left)

Intro to JoJo

I have decided to start a blog dedicated to my favorite manga/anime series. Before I get into that I will give a quick summary on what manga and anime is and what makes the series special. Manga are basically comic books from Japan. They have a particular art style that makes it unique compared to other cultures comics.  Anime is basically any form of animation from Japan. Japanese cartoons and Japanese comics pretty simple right? JoJo's Bizarre Adventure or JJBA is one of the best selling mangas of all time, having sold over 80 million copies in Japan alone and as a result has expanded from other media formats such as Anime, Video games, Movies and other merchandise. The series is currently divided into 8 parts stories of their own that are mildly related to previous parts. Each part stars a different JoJo which I will explain more in later posts. I hope my blog will inspire you to give the series a chance.

Phantom Blood

Originally starting in 1987 in the weekly serial Shonen Jump, JJBA was well recieved among fans for its unique art style and story telling as well as living up it's title of being particularly "bizarre." The first story takes place in late 18th Centuary Britain where Jonathan Joestar, better known as JoJo, a young boy meets with Dio Brando.  Dio a boy close to his age who's father recently passed had come to live with the Joestars reclaiming a debt George Joestar, JoJo's father owed to his family. Dio however almost immediately reveals to JoJo he's not here to make friends and things continue to spiral into a series of unfortunate events. Eventually JoJo learns to stand up for himself and overcomes the trials Dio intially put him through and a few years of peace come to pass. After that though things take a really bizarre turn when a family heirloom turns into a vampire producing machine and Jonathan must learn how to combat this new menace. 

Why I like Part 1 is it's where it all began. You learn about sendo a special martial art that by enhancing our breathing we can generate the sun's energy through our body, the perfect way to combat vampires. This is an important aspect to later parts in the series so its good to read this to get the fundementals. Jonathan Joestar is one of my favorite JoJo's because he is like the Captain America of JoJo. He knows what the importance of strength because he grew up weak and then out of know where becomes a human tank capable of fighting any kind of monster. He has a truly pure heart and a similar naivety to the Captain but also the same desire to vanquish the bullies of the world. No spoils but they both have very similar fates as well. (READ) I highly recommend Phantom Blood if Captain America is too your fancy or you're a cool person who likes to read things in order!