Monday, December 1, 2014

Part 8 Jojolion

Josuke part 8's protagonist with his stand Soft and Wet
Well here we are at my final post! I will talk about Jojolion the most current part in the Jojo series. It is currently still in session so there is still plenty of story left to be so I will try to get in as deep as I can.

This takes place in the same universe as steel ball run but is up to the present. Over a hundreds years since the Steel Ball Run. A young girl named Yasuho Hirose finds a young man naked. As if seeing a naked man wasn't awkward enough she dicovers this man has odd physical traits he has two sets of irses, two tongues and even four testicles each differentiating in color. The boy appears to have no memory of anything prior to his arrival in the seatown of Morioh. He dons the name Josuke because Yasuho notes he has an appearance similar to her dog of the same name. He is later adopted by the Higashikata family coincidentally giving him the name Josuke Higashikata the same name as Part 4's protagonist, thus making him this universes Josuke. He learns of stands and discovers that those around him all seem to be capable of using them as well as himself. He finds himself wrapped up in the mystery of the life around him as well as slowly discovering himself. Like the reason he has two of certain body parts is because there is another person inside of him. This gives his stand a hybrid affect as if he had two stands.

This Jojo's stand called Soft and Wet that has two main effects. The ability to "plunder" which is the power to take something from any object, dead or a live and encase it in a bubble. This can be as simple as an item or even aspects such as site and friction. By removing friction his opponents become ridiculously slippery.He's even used it to painlessly remove all the fur off of a cat and create a replica for a distraction. He also can just create bubbles use them in battle similar to Casaer from part 2.

Jojolion does not appear to be ending anytime soon and neither does the Jojo series as a whole. I enjoyed talking with you about it. I tried my best to make it sound interesting without spoiling it for you and I hope I did! If not I still suggest you read it because it's probably way more interesting than reading this blog! Thank you all and have a wonderful holiday, should more parts come out I may continue this blog!