Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Part 5 Vento Aureo

The "Passione" gang: part 5's protagonists
We're not at Part 5 Vento Aureo. Vento Aureo is Italian for "Golden Wind." This story line also happens to take place in Italy. We follow a very unique JoJo this time, Giorno Giovanni A.K.A. GioGio... the son of DIO! Dio during his time in part 3 had apparently indulged around the world and left behind some offspring. However due to Dio's body being borrowed from Jonathan Joestar (the original JoJo) this boy possess the blood of both and thus the fate of both men. He is to live a bizarre life and also possess fantastic powers. GioGio was very interested in the mafia after an encounter with them during his child hood and strives to become a "Gangster Star" which is a gangster that only does crimes for the good of the people they protect. Whether or not that's an actual thing I have no clue. GioGio grows up and eventually joins Passione and works with a gang of boys (yes they're all boys) around his age. He soon gets a peculiar mission to escort a mysterious girl to his mafia boss. During so he is forced to fight against rival gangs all of which have stand powers. Luckily his gang is full of gifted stand users to help him fight back!

The story returns to the darker tones the previous arcs have had with lots more people dying. Game of Thrones could still learn a thing or too about killing off popular characters. It has the travel aspect that the previous arcs had as well. The gang goes on an adventure all over Italy traveling to many interesting cities.

As you may have picked up from the picture above the art style continues to develop more androgynous and now the clothes they characters wear have become more flamboyant and peculiar. It can be hard. Another interesting addition to the story is now stands can interact with their users. Some of them talk and even eat.

One of the biggest issues with this manga is that it has been poorly translated in the states and a lot of people have difficulty comprehending the dialogue from what translations have been put up online. However it is definitely worth trying to read because like all the parts its very interesting but also the art style is much more exciting too. Hope you guys give it a chance!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Part 4 Diamond is Unbreakable

You guys no the gist now right? new post new part! We're at Diamond is Unbreakable! The first part of many that have yet to be converted to anime. Like I said last post all future post will be about manga, the Japanese comics. Set in the late 90s the protagonist (or should I say Jojo) of this one is Josuke Higashikata a high schooler who is also the illegitimate son of Joseph Joestar the protagonist of part 2 who's close to 80 now. (Talk about a foxy grandpa.) Jotaro and Joseph visit the boy while investigating a string of what they believe to be stand related murders. Things get bizarre pretty quick but unlike the previous parts there's very little traveling. It all takes place in the small town of Morioh, Japan. It has yet another extensive cast of characters including one based of the author himself!

While the story has the intense combat we've grown to love in previous parts it also has a lot of daily life stories. Simple humorous side stories like high school boys trying to pick up girls or make lots of cash fast. These are often refereed to as slice of life as they are some what relatable every day life scenarios.( as relatable as a high schooler with super natural powers can be of course...).

Another new feature in this anime is the author's change in the art style. While previous works had a heavily muscled masculine approach he now goes for a more androgynous take towards characters. He initially started with this approach but changed it all together by the end and stuck with it for the following series.

typical heavy masculine art style
Androgynous art style

So if you're interested in checking it out go to the manga site I listed in the earlier posts and enjoy!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Part 3 Stardust Crusaders

Stadust crusaders protagonists from left to right: Joseph, Kakyoin, Jotaro, Avdol, and Polnaroff

Hey guys this week I'm going to talk to you about part 3 of JoJo: Stardust Crusaders! This was the series that dramatically increased JoJo's popularity to a global scale. In fact this was the first JoJo part to get translated in america. Sadly this caused a lot of confusion and made it difficult for American fans to understand the story line prior to the series but luckily each part of JoJo is a story of its own that doesn't require an understanding of prior parts to get. It was released as a manga and also as a poorly dubbed OVA or original video animation, basically what the Japanese refer to as direct to video releases.

The stories protagonist this time is Joseph Joestar's (our last protagonist) grandson Jotaro Kujo aka JoJo, (see the pattern?) a Japanese high school student. After hearing his grandson has locked himself in a prison cell after being "possessed by a demon" Joseph comes to visit immediately. He explains to his grandson that he has not been possessed but has acquired a bizarre new power known as a stand. People around the world have been acquiring stands as the result of the return of none other than Dio the antagonist of Part 1. His vampiric immortality allowed him to survive until now and it is up to the Joestars as well as they allies they make along the way to defeat Dio one last time.

Joseph and Stand Star Platinum
Part 3 introduces a new combat style that becomes the main fighting style of the series from then on. While part 2 had people fighting with hamon or vampiric abilities every character has a stand of some kind. A stand is a psychical entity that appears outside its user when summoned. There are many stands with many different powers. Jotaro's stand called Star Platinum has the ability to enhance precision dramatically increasing his vision and striking powers. Dio's stand called The World can stop time for ten seconds and also can be used to attack. Most stands have the ability to attack in a flurry of punches and their stand users then say a catch phrase while punching such as Jotaro saying "ORAORAORAORAORAORAORA." Not all stands are used for attacking however. Joseph's stand, Hemit Purple, can be used to smash polaroid cameras and result in them displaying an image they desire such as DIO's location. It can also hack into TV's and show live images of what they want. Stands come in all shapes and sizes from People to boats to even mini Suns. Not all stand users are people as well. One of Jotaro's allies is a dog capable of summoning a stand that can manipulate sand. The inclusion of stands made the series much more unique than other shonen that typically had a martial are of some kind and probably played a role in its dramatic increase in popularity.

Part 3 is the last of the series that is in an anime form and is still not yet completed as well. I recommend reading the manga first so you can appreciate the quality of the anime more. After this post I'm going to only be talking about parts that are in Manga format.